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feel the spirit of Zanzibar


Life in Zanzibar depends on the tides of the ocean

Note that the two photos show the same frame! Isn't nature amazing? We can experience this phenomenon twice a day. Especially during the new and full moon, they are very large (on the east coast, the difference between the lowest and highest water level can reach five and a half meters). At low tide, water escapes more than a kilometer from the beach, then returns and takes the beach, flooding it with water. This process is caused by the gravitational influence of the Moon on the Earth.
When the water recedes, we have the opportunity to walk on the ocean floor admiring shells and sea creatures such as colorful starfish, brittle stars, sea urchins, snails, fish and hermit crabs carrying beautiful Zanzibari shells on their backs!
Tide times change daily. To track them, an application (e.g. Tide Charts) will be helpful, which will precisely show us the times of high and low tides. With the application it will be easier for you to plan trips to local attractions.

Who among us does not know, from the book "The Little Prince", the baobab tree?

Everyone who has read the book knows it, but does everyone know what it looks like? If not, you can see them in Zanzibar :)

Baobabs are the most distinctive trees in Africa, they have a gigantic trunk (or trunks, because they can have several) and they store water in it. The seeds, fruits and bark of these trees are food for many animals, and for all they are a shelter from the sun.
Take any trip in Zanzibar and experience the beauty and grandeur of these magnificent trees.


Does each of us know how much can be made from coconut?

Coconut palm trees please our eyes with their appearance almost at every step. But does each of us know how much can be made from coconut? From a young, green coconut, coconut water is the best. We can drink it straight from the shell, and it tastes great when chilled!! The familiar brown, "hairy" coconuts are old coconuts and we can get much more products from them. Of course, after opening, we also have coconut water, but there is less of it. From the white flesh we can get coconut milk, coconut flakes and coconut oil. Shells can be used to make dishes - bowls and cups. The food served in them not only looks phenomenal, it tastes even better Coconut shales burn very well, so you can make a bonfire on them. Dried palm leaves are a material for creating plates, weaving baskets or creating covers. Coconut strings are made from the inside of the woody coconut shell (after softening in the ocean). Did you know that during the war, coconut water was used as a drip for soldiers? This is possible due to the partial similarity of coconut water to plasma. It is a great isotonic that perfectly hydrates the body.
If you want to try coconut water, visit our restaurant, where the staff will prepare fresh coconut especially for you.

Kangs in eastern Africa are given by everyone to everyone!

Women in Zanzibar are as colorful as birds. They owe it to their colorful clothes. A kanga is a rectangular piece of cotton fabric usually worn as a pair. There are many kang patterns, but each of them contains three unchanging elements: the frame (pindo), the central motif (mji) and the sentence (jina). Women tie them around their hips and throw them over their heads. However, there are also other uses for kangs - they are wrapped in babies, they can be a curtain or tablecloth and even pajamas for men.
Being on the island every day, at every step, you can see Zanzibari women dressed in colorful kangas.


Doors from Zanzibar are world-famous!

Doors in Zanzibar are famous all over the world. They are works of art, one of a kind, no two are the same. The oldest door dates back to 1694. Their appearance - decorations and size were supposed to testify to the wealth of the owner.
In the appearance of the door, we can find elements from the Swahili, Arabic and Indian culture. Rectangular doors are of Arabic origin, while semi-circular ones are of Indian origin.
Most of these grand doors can be seen in Stone Town. Come with us on a trip to the "Stone City" and see with your own eyes these magnificent masterpieces that make a great impression.

White Nights? Yes! You will experience this every 28 days.

Every 28 days we experience the so-called full moon. In Zanzibar, due to its proximity to the equator, the full moon emanates such a strong light that it is called "white nights". When walking in the moonlight, we do not need additional lighting - the moon provides us with it.
This is also when the tides of the ocean are at their highest. On the east coast, the difference between the lowest and highest water levels can reach five and a half meters. This is due to the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth.





A small charming island off the coast of Tanzania, wrapped in the warm turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, full of sun, wonderful beaches, an unusual mix of cultures, stunning architecture and unique aromatic spices, with vanilla and cinnamon being the leaders.
This carefree, paradise island attracts people from all over the world for a moment of rest and detachment from reality. Here they find the desired peace, relaxation and blissful laziness.

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